Lapland in Winter – Kebnekaisefjäll

So far I have been on two winter trips in Swedish Lapland, more specifically the area called Kebnekaisefjäll, that I already knew partly from the summer. The landscape looks totally different in winter.

Along Kungsleden

During both of my winter trips I followed the King’s Trail for a larger section. It is nice to warm up and the landscapes are beautiful. The trail is marked also in winter, so you cannot miss it – even in foul weather. During my first trip I experienced the aurora on the way from Alesjaure to Abiskojaure in Gárddenvággi.

Stuor Reaiddávággi

Winter changed the scenes I knew from before totally. The landscape seemed almost monochromatic now with the main colors white, black and blue. It was beautiful nonetheless.


This is one of the most beautiful areas in the area of Kebnekaisefjäll. It is really worth a visit, in summer and winter. I visited the area during two of my winter trips and once I was even lucky and experienced really strong northern lights activity while staying at the Vistas hut.


This is a valley connecting Alisvággi and Stuor Reaiddávággi enabling to cross from the Tjäktja hut via a mountain pass to the Nallo hut. It is really beautiful and not very frequented – especially not in winter. When there is a lot of snow there is an avalanche risk and also the steep section when descending to Nallo can be challenging with a sled (at least it was for me as I’m a winter rookie).

Nikkaluokta and Surroundings

The village Nikkaluokta is located close to the mountain region near Kebnekaise and is thus a common tourist destination. In early March, however, there’s not a whole lot going on yet and it’s possible to enjoy some quiet moments there.

There’s a chapel on a small hill that offers nice views into Láddjuvággi. Lower Visttasvággi is also worth a visit.

Painting with Light