Lapland – Kebnekaisefjäll

This gallery is dedicated to images from the large mountain area around Kebnekaise, Sweden’s highest peak. The area is situated in Lapland, in the very north of Sweden and close to the Norwegian border. Some of the images have actually been taken in Norway. There’s also a gallery dedicated to winter images from this region here.

Teusajaure – Kaitumjaure (Sjaunja Nature Reserve)

From Teusajaure hut I took a pathless detour from the Kungsleden trail for five days that led me through the more mountainous part of the Sjaunja nature reserve that also covers a lot of flatter terrain. Sjaunja  is part of the UNESCO world heritage site Laponia. Of particular interest to me were the large lakes Teusajaure and Kaitumjaure that are surrounded by mountain ranges. I did not encounter a single person during those five days.

Kaitumjaure and Tjäktjavagge

The following images were taken in vicinity of the famous Kungsleden trail which leads from Kaitumjaure through Tjäktjavagge towards Tjäkta Pass. It is a beautiful area that can be accessed hiking from hut to hut. If possible I tried to camp not directly at the trail but at scenic spots that offered good views across the valley.

 Guobirvággi and Kaskasavagge

Guobirvággi and Kaskasavagge are glacier-formed valleys oriented in west-east direction. They are located between Tjäktjavagge and Visttasvággi. Both valleys are alpine with little vegetation. From Guobirvággi a pass can be traversed to get to Tarfala.


There’s an STF hut located at the lake Darfáljávri which is often covered by snow and ice until late in the summer. The first three images below have been taken in mid August. Particularly interesting are the great views of the surrounding glaciers. This can be a very windy location with little protection from the weather. I experienced stormy conditions when I camped here which made for an unpleasant night. I moved to the hut afterwards.

When approaching the valley at Tarfala coming from Kaskasavagge there are great views of Kebnekaise and the adjecent peaks and glaciers. The following images were taken in September some years later. Conditions are vastly different from those above.


In my opinion this is one of the most beautiful valleys in the area. It offers lush vegetation, a beautiful river and steep mountains in the upper part. I’ve come here in both summer and winter on five trips overall.

Unna and Stuor Reaiddávággi, Nallo

Unna and Stuor Reaiddávággi can be hiked in a half-closed loop starting from Visttasvággi. While walking in Unna Reaiddávággi can be rough, Stuor Reaiddávaggi is easy to walk and can also be accessed from the Sälka huts. The small Nallo hut is located directly beneath the homonymous mountain.

Alesjaure and surroundings

The following images are taken in the vicinity of Alesjaure where a large STF hut and a Sami settlement are located. The lake Alisjávri is part of a longer chain of lakes that have turquoise waters due to glacial sediments. Kungsleden runs adjacent to the lakes to the West.

Abisko and Kårsavagge

The town of Abisko is located at the shores of lake Torneträsk. Due to the road and rail connectivity it is a popular starting and ending point for hikers. Especially because from here the famous King’s trail (Kungsleden) leads south. Abisko National Park protects some of the unique landscape.
One significant feature is the Abiskojåkka canyon which can be easily accessed close to the road.

Kårsavagge is a mountain valley about 10 km from Abisko which has a small STF hut.



This is a frequently-hiked route from Nikkaluokta to Kebnekaise Mountain Station. So far, I only have walked the last section close to Nikkaluokta. However, I climbed Gármasbákti which offers magnificent views of the lake Láddjujávri from above.


The following images were taken on Norwegian soil. There are several trails crossing the border. One of the most beautiful areas is the lake Sealggajávri and its surroundings.


Following the trail from Hukejaure to Gautelis and further to Unna Allakas (in Sweden) there are many wide vistas. The lake Čunojávri depicted from afar below even has a sandy beach.


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